“An apple a day keeps a
doctor away”, “Prevention is better than cure”, “good health is above wealth” -
all these proverbs stress the importance
on one essential thing which once lost cannot be regained easily and that is HEALTH.
Good health is a state when a person is physically and mentally
fit and free of diseases. A Spanish proverb rightly says “A man too busy to
take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools”.
i.e. If we indulge ourselves in other trivial things and ignore the most
essential part of our life then we would not be able to live a disease free happy
The secret of a happy life is when you live a life where all
members of your family are healthy and your home is free of ailments and
diseases. It is necessary that everyone in the family, from kids to the elders,
should give equal importance to their health. Children are more prone to infections
and hence special attention has to be given to them to keep them away from
infections and diseases.
When my niece was down with
fever and vomiting a couple of months back, everyone at home was tense and
worried. She was the one who filled the house with her effervescent energy and
now since she had fever there was no running around, no laughter, and no mischief.
A kind of gloom had spread the house and it was only when she recovered in a
couple of days after medical treatment that
everything came back to normalcy.
Hence it is necessary to take steps to strengthen our kids’ immune
system so that they would be able to tackle infections caused by bacteria and
viruses which are everywhere. Apart from giving nutritious meals to them and
paying attention to their cleanliness, importance has to be given to all other
aspects of life to protect them from dust and germs.
Dabur chyawanprash has been used in several Indian households for
more than 60 years to treat cold and cough. With its unique blend of herbs that
have medicinal properties, it assures 3 times immunity that helps in fighting
virus, flu and infections. It has more
than 40 natural ingredients like Amla and Giloy (Guduchi) and has
anti-oxidant properties. These help in strengthening the body's internal
defence mechanism and protect the body from infections such as cough, cold etc.
Its brew of Ayurvedic herbs strengthen the body’s natural defence mechanism by
stimulating the NK cells (Natural killer cells) and assists in fighting germs
thus increasing immunity from infections.
Image Source: here
Dabur Chyawanprash is available in 2 new flavours - mango and
mixed fruit flavors and also has a sugar free variant for health conscious
people. According to
reports, recent scientific studies conducted on Dabur Chyawanprash have proven
its immunomodulatory and anti-allergic potential.
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